Fritz Hansen CM27 Essay Table

Cecilie Manz

The Fritz Hansen Essay™ Table by Danish designer Cecilie Manz is an impressive yet simple design made from solid wood. The table consists of three elements - a tabletop and two bases - crafted in a simple, natural form.

  • None
  • One, Black Laminate
  • Two, Black Laminate

  • Materials: Oil treated solid wood. Extensions Leaves in black laminate
    • Dimensions: Height: 72cm x  Width: 100cm x  Length: 272cm
    • Extension Leaf:Width: 100cm x  Length: 48cm
    • Delivery Time: Around 8/10 weeks
    Designed By
    With two artist parents, Cecilie Manz encountered the world of design in early childhood in their workshop. Her own career began in 1992 with an academic education from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Following a semester abroad at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki, Manz started her own company, which has been the focus of her work ever since.


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